Premium Rug Pads
Uses bio-degradable plant based plasticizer material, reducing dependence on limited fossil fuel resources.
Microspheres provide a soft feel allowing easier handling and positioning. Excellent for protection of hand knotted rug backing as well.
Increased density for added retention while still providing comfortable cushioning.
Open cell structure allows for better ventilation and suction while vacuuming. Dust particles fall through the cells until vacuumed up rather than get permanently trapped in the pad
Odorless, non-allergenic, and will not break down like similar latex products


Rug Preserver

2’ x 8’ 6’ x 9’ 12’ x 16’
2’ x 12’ 8’ x 10’ 12’ x 18’
3’ x 5’ 8’ x 11’ 66" round
4’ x 6’ 9’ x 12’ 90" round
5’ x 8’ 10’ x 14’